am i insane?
It's been one of those weeks where you think to yourself...."if i got any more pathetic, i would shoot myself." Now normally, i'm pretty good about keeping myself inline, but its gotten out of hand. Most times i can pinpoint exactly what's bothering me and fix it. Not this week. Of course not. It has to be the week before my birthday when i get all self involved. I have analyzed the shit out of every aspect of my life and even though things are going great, i wanna trash it all and start over. Is that so wrong? Am i worried that i am gonna screw things up? More than likely, that's the only reason i ever quit something is if i don't think i can do it. Which happens occasionally, yet not in every aspect of my life.I came to the realization that right before my birthday shitty things seem to happen. There's not particular reason for this, it just comes about this time. I hurt something, or get cheated on, or get "dumped," or lose a friend or just get screwed over. My bad attitude stems from the expectancy of unhappy tidings. Don't get me wrong, i'm not usually a super negative person. I just am not big on having high expectations, cause most of the time i get let down. So by assuming the worst right off the bat means things can only get better.
I just need something that will rid me of my bad attitude. Can we just forget that i have a birthday? If going home for the weekend would be a good idea, i would do it. Solely for the sake of not ruining anyone else's weekend cause i can be a bitch if i really feel like it (i swear to god naves if you say i've never been a bitch i'm gonna do something...bad). So if anyone has any good ideas, PLEASE help me. I would love you forever and ever. Not like i don't already, but you'll directly hear it from my lips.
Hope your week was better than mine!!! Have a good weekend!!!