Monday, November 21, 2005

uh oh

my away message that prompted tais' scolding: "i think you're gonna be ok, caleb. you know how bad i am with boys. i will hopefully be able to see you this break. :) things will be better by then"
gobufforgohome: don't make it sound like you are blaming yourself for how he feels!
gobufforgohome: it is in no way your fault that you "somehwat" have movede on
sosaveit: but i talked to him about everything
gobufforgohome: yeah
sosaveit: ahhh
sosaveit: i'm sorry
sosaveit: i'm not good at this
gobufforgohome: you are putting the blame on yourself
gobufforgohome: you always do
sosaveit: arrghhh i know
gobufforgohome: tell him to stop being a whiney ex boyfriend and get over the fact that you two aren't getting together
gobufforgohome: yes, you had good times together, but they are over and he needs to know that
sosaveit: yeah
gobufforgohome: he can't be thinking that every time he bekons you, you will come running without any attatchments
gobufforgohome: you have your own life to live
sosaveit: :-\
gobufforgohome: you can't make everyone happy
gobufforgohome: he can be on your list to make overall happy, but you need to be happy too
sosaveit: its so hard though
gobufforgohome: unless you are telling him that you are going to get back together, then you shouldn't be apologizing
gobufforgohome: i know it's hard!
sosaveit: ahhhhh
gobufforgohome: i know all the meaning about how hard it is to break someone's heart...but it's something you ahve to do
gobufforgohome: and it's probably the reason why your ex boyfriends don't go away
gobufforgohome: because they are still hoping that you will change your mind and get back together with them
gobufforgohome: you are causing your own pain and you are the only one that can stop it
gobufforgohome: and you need to do it before it drives you insane
sosaveit: ok i'll change it
sosaveit: it will drive me insane
gobufforgohome: and change the way you talkk to him maybe...i know how flirtacious you are and also how you can't say no to people
gobufforgohome: okay no more typing to me, i just thought i would let you know
sosaveit: haha
gobufforgohome: that away message is screaming "it's okay caleb, you were right and i wont do anthing with anyone anymore"
gobufforgohome: and i know that's not the message you want to send across
sosaveit: ok i will try to be meaner, i'll try hard