Friday, January 27, 2006

13 Things You Don't Know About Women by Felicity Huffman

1. It's not really the shoes it's how they make our legs look.
2. Women also fantasize during sex.
3. And sometimes those fantasies are about shoes.
4. If you want to see us naked more often, turn up the damn thermostat.
5. A big dick is a bore if its attached to a big dick.
6. We can pee standing up, but it's not pretty.
7. We can't hear a word you say if there are hairs coming out of your nose.
8. If you would just listen to us, we'd shut up.
9. Want sex? Fix something.
10. Women want empathy, not advice.
11. It's still a man's world, and some of it you can keep.
12. You would be crazy, too, if your insides fell out every 28 days.
13. Some handy translations for men.
"You're working too hard." = "You're not spending enough time with me."
"No presents for my birthday." = "Suprise me."
"What are you thinking about?" = "Do you still love me?"
"Do you want to talk about it?" = "I want to talk about it."
"Fuck you. I can't stand you." = "Fuck you. I can't stand you."