Saturday, October 14, 2006


we walk with importance. our lives, our routines, our tasks, even our problems are so important. the decisions we have to make. so important. even though they've all been made before. i've been spending a lot of time thinking about all the things surrounding me. and even more, everything that once did. i watch how plans can sometimes get ahead of me. how everything there was can lay sidewalks down in front of me. but this.....this is what i always do. i am a sentimental being. i can't help but wonder about everything that came before the importance of now. how the importance of now so often becomes all that came before.

i don't know how to let go. of much. of anything at all, really. i keep my ear to the ground because (sometimes unbearably) i'm waiting for the past to come back. hope and regret. i think at times that's all we're really made of. and i wonder why we can't just bury both.

i am sentimental. i don't know how to let go of much. and so i wring my hands. and so i make a bed in the dirt and keep my ear to the ground.